Happy August!

Summer flew by and now we’re diving back into the school year and autumn is right around the corner. We’ve been on a rollercoaster ride lately and everyone seems to be at odds with the current global situation but during these uncertain times, there is one thing that everyone can seem to agree on and that is… Sanitizing! It’s important now more than ever to make sure we are regularly cleaning and sanitizing not only our hands but the surfaces and most commonly used items in our house.

Cleaning versus sanitizing: What is the difference? (I’m glad you asked!) Cleaning is wiping an area of any dirt or debris. This can easily be done with a rag and some soap/water. Sanitizing is using a disinfectant to get rid of germs, bacteria and any contaminants. After a surface has been cleaned, whip out that disinfectant and using a clean rag, start wiping down those counters, door knobs, light switches, remotes, etc. Some of our favorite disinfectants are Mr.Clean, Pine Sol, Method and Scrubbing Bubbles. Those can all be found in your local department store and are effective in killing those unwanted germs! Want to save a trip to the store? Mix 4 teaspoons of household bleach with 1 quart of water and that will do the trick! Hydrogen peroxide is a great disinfectant too and there is no need to mix it with water! Pour it directly into a spray bottle and get to sanitizing!

Incorporating this into your daily routine will ensure your family stays happy and healthy! 

If you’re like most of us and run on a tight schedule, we recommend getting a disinfectant spray. No wiping, just spray and go! But be sure to make some time once a week to really get in there and do some deep cleaning and sanitizing! If not, call us and we’ll make sure the job gets done! 🤓

Ask us what we’re doing to keep our team, clients and families safe and healthy! Show our socials some love and don’t forget to Keep it Clean!