Change your Pillows!
Change your pillows!
The new year is around the corner, and these holidays bring family and friends to your home.
Your guest rooms will NEED some work.
I understand that holidays are very important and hectic.
So here is your quick tip of the day, change your pillow!
Pillows should be thrown out every 1 to 2 years. Maybe 3 if you really want to stretch your pillow’s lifetime.
The best thing to do to keep your pillow cleaned and wash every 4-5 months. Pillows are like the sponges of your room. They absorb moisture and anything else it may be in contact.
If your pillows are not washed and maintained, they will not last 1 to 2 years. You will even start noticing a funky smell coming from your bedroom sometimes. Maybe you don’t notice it, but others will.
Try this!– If you don’t have any time to clean your pillow and want to freshen up the bedroom. Grab a spray bottle and fill it up with 1 cup water and 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol and spray your mattress and pillow well. After about 10-15 minutes vacuum your mattress and pillow. You will see the difference.
I understand that most of us are lazy and sometimes ignore cleaning some items for your home. Your guest and loved ones will thank you later.
So make sure you have your new Pillow for 2019!
Keep it clean!